Saturday, November 29, 2008

Standards vs Reality: the wants of life

Life is fun, especially when you take time to analyze it. I was speaking to a couple different female associates of mine today, and the topic came up about why not only me put people in general are single for longer periods time now. I said that it was due to the fact that people start off having huge aspirations with dating and what it all entails, but somewhere along the way because of bad choices in partners and not finding their "one" they just say fuck it. The ironic thing about just saying "fuck it" is that there are a couple of different "fuck it" situations, such as you can "Change your thoughts and Change your world". If what you were doing or where you were going to find people to date was not working simply change it, because obviously the shit your doing was not working. This sounds like the easiest thing to do, but when people are dating, they often live in a "state of Insanity".Even though they believe that they are doing something different they still end up in the same damn place with the same damn thing. A wise person once said that when wanting to obtain something in life you have to "mind fuck" yourself, force yourself to do what you want to do and not let your mind trick you out of it. Sounds simple enough huh, but if that was the case then most if not all of us would be millionaires, happily married living our dreams in everyday life. Now some say that the mind is where each of us actually lives in...not the "reality" of everyday life. Now there is seemingly nothing wrong with that...until the subconscious mind...plays a negative part of reality. I believe that people should live in their dreams...and make those dreams your reality. Have all the standards that you want, if you want a perfect 10 then go and get it, don't live in a state of fear. However do what you think will put you in a position to obtain that perfect 10, for example if you are a person who is a work-a-holic, who lives in the gym, then you cant possibly find happiness with a jobless fat person. NEVER settle, with a job,girlfriend;or boyfriend. Always go for what you want, because in the long run what you settled for will just piss you off, when you have time to think about it. So just go for what you know and what you want because people say that patience is a virtue but patience is sometimes mistaken with pointlessness. I for one go for progress and sometimes progress doesn't come from PATIENCE. You often find that people always talk about doing this and doing that but they talk about it not being the right time it isn't my time yet.."he" has his own plan for me(for those religious types) follow your dreams people, search for what completes you because you are the only person that knows what YOU want. People like to feel comfort and most are afraid of a challenge or traveling the path less traveled by...and there is no growth without challenge so I ask you wither its LOVE...SUCCESS..MONEY...FA

ME...whatever it is that you want...when you have that thought of change or desire or dating trying to find that perfect person...what will you do, settle for whats easy, or go for what you know and make those perfect standards of your dream life.... YOUR REALITY


Anonymous said...

Yeah I agree, but people get so lazy sometimes, they don't think about this stuff. But I totally think you're on the right page. I've been it first-hand.


Unknown said...

I agree with you completely. I firmly believe that nobody should settle for less, when they can get what they want since it is out there to fetch. Many peope are lazy, but there is so much more to the whole dating game. The process of starting all over again, when many view it as pointless since there is a 50/50 chance that it'll work out. The whole point of life is to enjoy it and take risks. Take a chance. What you might think isn't worth pursuing or jumping for might actually change your life. When it comes to partners, one should look for someone with similar goals, or someone who wants to progress in life. Someone who complements, not completes you. Yes there are many single people in New York, and we are picky. But the truth is nobody is perfect, and being imperfect is beautiful. Life is not supposed to be easy, otherwise it would be boring withoutht its challenges. So I say start living!

Anonymous said...

You do make a valid point when you say it is difficult to make your dream a reality. However, I think once an individual is focused on their goals they will have the ability to achieve it despite the obstacles that stand before them. In relation to finding that "one" person, and being single, some people give up because they might set their standards too high or sometimes even too low.Don't get me wrong,having standards are fine, but don't be too picky, that's how you may end up alone.Therefore, satisfaction primarily mental satisfaction is very important. It's difficult nowadays to find an individual who mentally stimulates you and always has you thinking about anything and/or everything.I personally can't be with someone who bores me out of my mind but is that me being too picky? There are so many factors that relate to people being single. Being single can be by choice or not. And maybe give up on finding that "perfect" person because it is too hard. But I think, when wanting to find that "perfect" person you have to be patient and maybe let that "perfect" person find you. If you keep on pushing and dating anyone and everyone you meet it might lead you nowhere. It is however great to take chances in life and to choose someone who you might not normally date. The outcome just might surprise you.

scorpiosoul22 said...

wow, dont leave in a state of fear! Timeless! I love it. You are a very good writer. I would LOVE to write like you someday. Its inspiring and REAL! I DIG IT! :)